Part 3 | What is Chinese Medicine and Why You Should Learn More About It

Over the past few months, I have taken you on a journey of learning about the healing power of eastern herbal medicine. Today, I will leave you with a home herbal medicine cabinet.
These are standard formulas for common health issues like pain, sleep, digestion, stress, emotional support, and upper respiratory conditions like allergies, colds, and flu. I hope you find this helpful in achieving health naturally and holistically.
Please check with your practitioner if you have any questions about using herbal formulas with current conditions or drug interactions.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Jia Yuan Hu Tong: This formula treats all kinds of pain + muscle spasms. (Corydalis Formula by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Die Da Wan: Use this formula to treat traumatic injuries. It alleviates pain, reduces swelling, and aids in the healing of trauma. (Tieh Ta Formula by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Corydalin (AC): This formula relieves acute headaches and sinus pain. A great alternative to over-the-counter pain relievers. (Evergreen Chinese Herbs)
An Mien Pian: This formula treats insomnia when it is hard to fall asleep. It can also help with anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations, irritability, and depression. (An Mien Formula by Gloden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Suan Zao Ren Tang: This formula treats insomnia when it is difficulty staying asleep. Frequest waking and limited ability to fall into a deep sleep. Also, night sweats, restlessness, and irritability may be present.
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang: Use this formula for high-stress situations. It’s ideal for acute anxiety attacks, tight chest, palpitations, restlessness, and irritability.
Dan Shen Jia Si Jun Zi Pian: This formula helps stabilize emotions to handle stress better. Ideal for depression and feeling overwhelmed by life. (Salvia Ten Formula by Chinese Golden Flower)
Yang Xin Ning Shen Wan: This formula is excellent for treating anxiousness, stress, nervousness, and excessive worrying. (Peaceful Spirit by Golden Flower)
Xiao Yao San: Take this formula for stress impacting the digestive system. It helps regulate moods, depression, irritability, anger, restlessness, anxiety, gas bloating, poor appetite, constipation, and diarrhea.
Tao Ren Cong Rong Wan: Use this formula to promote healthy regular bowel movements. It moistens the intestines and is ideal for dry, hard, and difficult to pass stools. (Persica and Cistanches Formula by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Bao He Wan: Use this formula for nausea, upset stomach, bloating, belching, diarrhea or constipation, bad breath, bloating due to overeating, or poor diet.
Tong Xie Yao Fang: This formula is great for diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is excellent for treating IBS. (Stomach Harmonizing Formula by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Gan Mao Ling: This formula is excellent for preventing the common cold. It is ideal for taking when the first symptoms appear.
Yin Qiao San: This formula is best when used in the initial phase of a common cold with symptoms are sore throat, fever, chills, cough, and stuffy nose with yellow, sticky phlegm. Sore throat is the main symptom.
Gui Zhi Tang: This is a perfect formula to use in the initial stages of a common cold or flu when the symptoms are cough, thin white sputum, body aches, chills, fever, fatigue, and nasal congestion and sputum white in color. Chills are the main symptom.
Chuan Bei Ban Xia Tang: This formula comes in a tablet or syrup. It is a very effective cough suppressant. (Fritillaria and Pinellia Formula by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs)
Cang Er Zi San: This formula resolves pain and congestion due to acute or chronic sinusitis and acute, chronic, or allergic rhinitis.
Yu Ping Feng San: This formula is excellent for boosting the immune system to prevent wind invasions like seasonal allergies, common colds, and flu. It is ideal for taking when people around you are sick.
Pe Min Kan Wan: This formula is ideal for acute and chronic sinus congestion with thick yellow nasal discharge and inflammation of the sinus cavities, sinus pain, and head ache.
Bi Yan Pian: This is an excellent formula for nasal congestion or rhinitis with watery or thick yellow discharge, sneezing, and red, itchy eyes due to seasonal hay fever, common cold, and sinus infection.
This is the last part of “What is Chinese Medicine and Why You Should Learn More About It.” You can read Part 1 and Part 2 in case you missed them.

“The only way to optimal health is to take of yourself everyday –  mentally, emotionally and physically.”

Sheri Davidson, licensed acupuncturist (Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin) and Duke Integrative Medicine trained wellness coach, specializes in preventative medicine. She loves sharing her passion for wellness living and Eastern medicine through her blog, The Wellness Inspired Podcast, and practice, Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness in Rice Village District of Houston, TX.  Also, Sheri currently serves on the Texas Medical Board of Acupuncture Examiners

15-minute zoom call for a complimentary health assessment/consultation. We will assess where you are in health, explore short-term and long-term health goals, and discuss the best way to get started on your healing journey. 713-942-7110

To find out more about wellness living and natural healing, follow Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness on Instagram, Facebook, Google, and Linkedin. If you know of anyone who would benefit from our content, please share. Let’s stay healthy together!

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Sheri Davidson
L.Ac. + Wellness Coach