Part 3 | Unlocking Your Wellness Potential with a Health and Wellness Coach

Hello, wellness friends!

We just experienced a wild storm here in Houston, and I hope everyone is safe and has their power restored after the impact of Beryl. We’re on the mend, and I’m excited to bring you part 3 of our article series on the benefits of wellness coaching. If you missed parts 1 and 2, I highly recommend checking them out here on Medium— they’re packed with valuable information. Now, let’s dive into part 3.

As a wellness coach, I often hear people express their desire to make healthy changes in their lives. They want to eat better, exercise more, manage stress, and generally live healthier. However, despite their best intentions, many struggle to follow through. The truth is that change is hard. It’s a concept we all understand on some level. Yet, when faced with the reality of altering our habits and routines, we often stumble.

Change is hard because it disrupts the familiar. Our brains are wired to seek comfort in routines and patterns. Even when these patterns are not serving us well, they provide a sense of security. When we try to change, we are asking our brains to step out of this comfort zone, which can be uncomfortable and even scary.

In my experience as a wellness coach, understanding why change is hard is the first step in overcoming this challenge. Here are a few insights that can help you navigate this journey.

Understanding Resistance to Change

  • Comfort in Familiarity: Our daily routines and habits create a sense of stability. When we try to change these habits, we disrupt this stability, which can cause resistance.
  • Fear of Failure: Many people fear they won’t be able to maintain new habits, which can prevent them from even trying. This fear of failure can be paralyzing.
  • Lack of Immediate Gratification: Healthy changes often require time and patience. Unlike unhealthy habits that provide immediate gratification, healthy habits may not show benefits right away, which can be discouraging.
  • Overwhelm and Stress: The idea of making significant changes can be overwhelming. When faced with too many changes at once, it’s easy to feel stressed and give up.

Strategies to Embrace Change

  • Start Small: One of the most effective ways to make lasting changes is to start small. Instead of overhauling your entire lifestyle overnight, focus on making one small change at a time. This approach is less overwhelming and allows your brain to adjust gradually.
  • Set Realistic Goals: It is crucial to set achievable goals. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and discouragement. Celebrate small victories and use them as motivation to keep going.
  • Create a Support System: A support system can make a significant difference. Whether it’s friends, family, or a wellness coach, having someone to encourage and hold you accountable can help you stay on track.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during this process. Understand that setbacks are a part of the journey. Instead of being critical, use them as learning opportunities and keep moving forward.
  • Focus on the Journey, Not Just the Destination: While having goals is important, it’s equally important to enjoy the process of getting there. Embrace the small changes you make each day and recognize your progress.

How Wellness Coaching Can Help

As a wellness coach, I guide you through this challenging yet rewarding journey. Together, we will identify your goals, create a personalized plan, and tackle the obstacles that come your way. Here’s how wellness coaching can support you:

  • Personalized Guidance: I will work with you to understand your unique needs and challenges. Together, we’ll create a plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.
  • Accountability and Support: Regular check-ins and ongoing support can help you stay committed to your goals. Knowing someone is there to support you can make a big difference.
  • Building Resilience: We will work on building resilience and coping strategies to handle setbacks. This will help you stay motivated and continue moving forward, even when things get tough.
  • Fostering a Positive Mindset: A positive mindset is crucial for making lasting changes. We’ll focus on developing a growth mindset that embraces challenges and sees them as opportunities for growth.

Remember, change is hard, but it’s not impossible. With the right support, strategies, and mindset, you can make lasting changes that lead to a healthier, happier life. Embrace the challenge, and let’s unlock your health and wellness potential together.

If you’re ready to embark on this journey, I’m here to help. Reach out, and let’s take the first step towards transforming your life through holistic health.

“The only way to optimal health is to care for ourselves every day emotionally, physically, and mentally.”

Sheri Davidson, licensed acupuncturist and wellness coach, specializes in preventative medicine. She loves sharing her passion for wellness living and Eastern medicine through her blog, The Wellness Inspired Podcast, and practice, Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness in Rice Village District of Houston, TX.

To learn more about wellness, living, and natural healing, follow Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness, on InstagramFacebookGoogle, and Linkedin. Please share if you know anyone who would benefit from our content.

Let’s stay healthy together!

Blog: Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness

Sheri Davidson, L.Ac + Wellness Coach